You are not broken. You are not damaged.

You just don’t have a village.

Mothering is supposed to be easy. As easy as breathing, as kind as gentle breeze and as loving as a warm embrace,

not the hectic, pressurised, stressed experience that distances us from our children, our spouses, and our communities.

It didn’t used to be this way. We came from Mothers who brought everything into creation. Who taught us and held a space full of wisdom. But that was lost. So, we found it.

We've rediscovered the essence of conscious parenting that's been lost in the word..

We mother Mothers.

The Awakened Parent Community is the missing link between supporting your individual self and being part of a bigger community to create the village Mothers should be lifted by.

Mothers like you, who feel adrift in the current of our fast-paced society. Who want to align with themselves and their deepest values.

When you join The Awakened Parent Community, you uncover the missing link between supporting your individual self and tapping into the village Mothers should be lifted by...

Find out how to work with us

"i knew i needed to be better for my kids, i had literally tried everything else"

Who we are

Your Meet the Mothers behind TAPC – we are the regulated adults you wish you had access to as a child.

Meet Ilka, Liv and Kristyn

How to work with us

Discover the options for you as a Mother to embrace your true self and embark on the profound journey of Motherhood while leaning on our unwavering support.

Resources, Courses and Programs

Take the first step

Watch the Awakened Mothering Webinar and learn how to leave behind your most hurtful and shameful parenting behaviours.

Watch the free webinar

Mothers shouldn’t be Mothering alone

We know you need to be supported by a whole, functioning, society to lift us Mothers so we can do the greatest job on the planet. Raising tiny humans.

We believe that Mothering has fallen off the list of importance and while studies and articles prove this is true, there is not much in the way of change happening in society to support us.

At The Awakened Parent Community, we know it is You who is the most important person in the room.

Most Mothers would struggle to accept this belief. Which is why we support you to embody this truth. So the change is deep in You.

Our proven conscious parenting education methods will empower you to navigate yourself, so your journey with your children flows easily with confidence and grace. Experience real transformation in your Mothering journey as you develop greater emotional awareness, resilience, and more secure connections with your loved ones.

"During the course with The Awakened Parent Community, my eyes opened further into the world of intergenerational trauma and how if we don't resolve our own trauma and triggers, our children will pick up on them, no matter how small and unconscious they may feel to us, and can take them on as their own.

Having this realisation, and working on myself, has helped me create a deeper relationship with myself and my two daughters. This can and will only make me a better parent to them so the cycle isn't repeated. I am 100% a tapping convert. I couldn't recommend highly enough. Thanks to The Awakened Parent Community!"

- Rachel Hunt

We are the regulated adults you needed when you were a child

Overcome your childhood programming

All children deserve to experience a safe, happy, loving childhood. But you’ve come to realise the way you were treated as a child has set the foundation for how you are Mothering your children. Our approach and education emphasises how our self-relationship influences our parenting and how to be the parent you needed when you were a kid for your own.

The Awakened Motherhood is a 4-week journey to emotionally regulated, conscious parenting

Casey Belz

Maryborough QLD

How do you put into words the life changing benefit of joining the Awakened Parent Community and having Ilka in your life! I'll give it a go.....

My answer: I was desperately trying to figure out why I was failing at parenting. I was failing at staying calm in all the tough moments when I promised myself I would be understanding and patient and then beating myself up afterwards when I wasn't a perfect parent. I am now empowered with the tools to get to the root of the issue and work through the anger, frustration and resentment and let it all go!

I am genuinely happier and calmer and enjoying parenting! (even through the tougher experiences)

I now see challenges as opportunities to grow !

My husband's answer: the benefit's are you are happier and calmer in situations and putting out more.

The negative is you want everyone in the world to do it too.

Kelly Westley

Loxton South Australia

I have learned to allow more flow into my life. To let go of control and high expectations.

To find my worth and true values is an exciting way to live. I know I can ask any question and get an honest answer with a smile.

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